Taking bio-based open innovation virtual
BiOPEN H2020 project kick-off meeting in Rome.
31 May 2017
The BIOPEN project aims to support collaboration and knowledge sharing in the bio-based industry, stimulating the set-up of co-innovation partnerships for the development of new products and markets in the sector by setting up an open innovation platform capable to involve industries, research centers and universities.
BiOPEN is not another matchmaking database, but an actively managed platform, pre-filled with relevant information on funding opportunities, and the ability to search for bio-based information on patents, literature and in any other open access knowledge repositories. The project partners will define and assemble ecosystems of private companies and public organisations along the bio-based value chain. Through the clusters involved, it will become a network of networks, reaching across Europe and out to external associations and sectors.
The project will deliver to the bio-based industry community in Europe a much-needed tool to innovate along and across value-chains, to collect and tag knowledge on bio-based processes and projects and to form new co-innovation partnerships.

Project partners and the BBI JU project officer at the BiOPEN kick-off meeting in Rome, Italy on 04-05 May 2017.
The BiOPEN project is a CSA project funded under BBI JU and coordinated by Ciaotech, Italy. The consortium involves 9 partners from seven EU countries (Italy, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, and Poland) and is highly specialized in the bio-based industry. It comprises five European bio-based clusters (Bioeconomy Cluster, Biobased Delta, CLIB2021, Smart Chemistry Park operated by Turku Science Park, West Pomeranian Chemical Cluster Green Chemistry), three open innovation expert companies (Ciaotech, Europe Unlimited, Innovation Engineering), and one research centre (National Technical University of Athens). The project partners will reach a large number of stakeholders and involve them actively through workshops, direct support to find collaboration partners or co-funding and online matchmaking. They will also deliver five perspective studies on new bio-based products and markets, encompassing both downstream sectors and brand owners. This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 745719.